Polyurethane foam is another option when insulating a home. This option can provide financial benefits because what you see is only a small portion of what you get. When the polyurethane foam is sprayed it expands, taking up more space. Eventually the foam with dry and harden in the expanded state, allowing a person to use less foam for a bigger job. The polyurethane foam is great for the hard to reach places. When the foam spreads it will reach the areas where you can’t get your fingers into.

The polyurethane is considered to be safer alternative. It does not contain fiberglass particles, so you don’t have to worry about those particles flying through the heating system, or throughout the home. To some degree the foam is waterproof, which makes it last longer than other insulation types. Polyurethane is not only waterproof, but it’s flame retardant as well, making it a safer insulation product because it won’t catch on fire.

There are 2 types of polyurethane foam, you will either be using an open cell or closed cell foam. The closed cell foam has smaller particles that are packed together and closed. The open cell foam aren’t closed so they spread farther because they float in the air and then harden. Closed cell foam is stronger than the open cell foam and can have a harder texture when it is touched. The open cell foam feels softer to the touch and also weighs less than its closed cell counterpart.

Call Foamit, your Toronto spray foam specialists to help decide which type of foam will be a better choice for your home or commercial property.

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