Posted by on Nov 29, 2011 in Blog | Comments Off on FOAMIT.CA SPRAY FOAM INSULATION ATTIC INSULATION DUCT INSULATION This is just a peak into our world Some might think its easy to go up in an attic and spray. First, you better be really careful where you step the wrong step will put a hole right through the drywall. Second, you need to drag a 25 lbs spray foam gun around, with a hose attached to it and a breathing hose. Trust me getting up in the attic is close to impossible, then getting the hose up and the job done is a mission in itself. You need to be in Navy Seal shape to pull of a job like this. Just getting the whole duct work spray foamed, works muscles you have never imagined existed in your body. You will know when you wake up in the morning, and I exercise regularly. On top of all this you are working in complete darkness with only a flood light Tip your spray foam installers generously, because everything goes under estimated and we put in 200% work for you, well I can guarantee does

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